2019 in Cups of Coffee

"How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights,
in sunsets,
in midnights,
in cups of coffee..."

The song “Seasons of Love” by the cast of Rent questions how do we measure a year in the life. In approximately 525,600 minutes in our life, how do we measure it? In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee?

This song got me intrigued. So beginning the start of this year, I started documenting my cups of coffee.  I do not drink coffee regularly. I drink coffee recreationally. So I think this year-long project would also help me document all the places I’ve been this year.



heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - January | Railway Coffee

This is from Railway Coffee, a famous and always-full coffee shop located in Jalan Kebon Jukut. This one, though, is bought when they participate in a food festival in Paris Van Java Mall.

Warunk Upnormal follows the iced milk coffee trend with Si Eko, short for ‘Es Kopi’. This was taken at the Upnormal in front of the Bandung airport when we were waiting for my sister in law.

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - January | Upnormal Coffee Roaster


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - February | Starbucks

First Starbucks cup of the year!

And as how it always happens, the barrista replaces the ‘C’ in my name to ‘S’. Always happen, never a problem. I actually enjoy how my name being perceived and then written down. I always tell them my full first name : Gracia, just so it would be more fun. Most of the times I got ‘Grasia’ written, but I’ve also got  ‘Tasya’ and ‘Dasya’.

This is from Eugene the Goat.

The place is quite far from the main road but it’s really nice, especially because we got there after the rain.

The ‘Matchaffogato’, which is a word blend of ‘Matcha’ and ‘Affogato’ sure was memorable!

I wrote a whole post about it and you can read it here.

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - February | Eugene the Goat


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - March | Starbucks
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - March | Starbucks
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - March | Starbucks

This was from our only road trip where we go just by the two of us in 2019!

We decided to stop at a rest area en route to Semarang to visit a friend before we go to spend the night in Surabaya.

A new cross-Java highway had just been inaugurated, so we decided to give it a try. Bandung-Surabaya only took 12 hours, and that is with long coffee and lunch breaks. Thank you so much, Mr. Jokowi!

In this road trip, we also went to Madura and Malang and had the chance to spend our nights in Kampung Lumbung, one of the best resort we’ve stayed at.

This year is the year of Iced Milk Coffee in Indonesia, don’t you think? They’re actually quite nice to sip in between work 🙂

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - March | Pussy Cup
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - March | Starbucks

This is one moment I’m thankful for this year. One of our friend just got married, and we decided to hit Starbucks nearby just to chat. Still in our bridesmaid and batik uniforms.

I actually had Iced Shaken Lemonade because my stomach is not a big fan of caffeine at times. But hubby did order a Vanilla Latte in a mug, so that should count, right? This moment was so memorable for me I want it to leave a mark.

We talked for hours about life, about the system, about religion, about everything. And I’m so thankful I have these friends with open minds.

And oh, hubby likes his coffee in mugs. He said it tastes better than in paper cups. Anybody feels the same way?


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - April
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - April

Disclaimer, this is not sponsored by Torabika. The ‘warung kopi’ happened to serve their coffee in that cup 🙂

This, was taken when we had what’s called a ‘Sunmori’, short for ‘Sunday Morning Ride’. Only, we did it on a Saturday. So I guess it should be ‘Satmori’ instead?

We took a ride in our motorbike to Lembang area and decided to stop to enjoy the morning breeze and view and order a cup of coffee.

Funny story, the store owner actually locked the room to the inside of the place (we sat outside), took his car, drove away and just left us there alone. We were confused how to pay for the coffee and tea we ordered because he was gone. We were stranded for about 45 minutes when a lady from the store beside us came over. Apparently the owner asked her to take care of our payment while he’s gone. But we didn’t know! And she was just sitting there doing nothing. LOL.

Two of the big players of the milk-coffee parade this year : Kulo and Janji Jiwa.
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - April | Janji Jiwa
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - April | Janji Jiwa
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - April | Kulo


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - May | Janji Jiwa

Trying out pandan soya-milk coffee from Janji Jiwa. Actually tastes like usual milk coffee with just a little hint of pandan.

And shoutout to another big name, Kopi Soe, for starting the rum regal trend! I loooove it so much.

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - May | Kopi Soe


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - June | Starbucks

This was when we had our Eid road trip to Yogyakarta!

We stopped by at a rest area to buy our go-to drink from Starbucks : Vanilla Latte.

Yogyakarta was warm and very much memorable. We took a Jeep tour around Merapitrekked ancient volcano Nglanggeranvisited Ullen Sentalu museum and learned a lot about the Javanese kingdom, and felt the warmth of the city in Malioboro.

This was from Old Ben’s in Jl Terusan Prof. Dr. Sutami in Bandung. We washed our car nearby and decided to wait by this coffee shop. I remember the place, the ambiance and the coffee being good, which confuses me as to why I haven’t write about them.

If you’re in the area, give it a try!

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - June | Old Ben's
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - June | Buih Kopi
This was another attempt to try out ‘kopi kekinian’ one by one lol.


Surprisingly, no coffee in July!


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - August | Naripan

We went to the famous Mie Naripan for lunch and turns out they are selling milk coffee in a bottle.

Theirs tasted good and the milk is stronger than others, and I always like a creamier coffee.

They said we can bulk-order this for any occasions as well.

I haven’t gone back to Mie Naripan, but I wish they’re still selling this because it’s quite good!

A new coffee shop just opened nearby. Toko Kopi 24 Nusantara do not just sell the now-everywhere milk coffee, but they also sell black coffee which beans are originated from all around Indonesia. From Lintong Sumatra, Toraja, East Timor, Samosir, Flores, to Aceh. So fitting to the ‘Nusantara’ on their name. They easily becomes one of our favorite coffee to go!
Prefer a manually brewed coffee? They have V60 menus.

Don’t like coffee? Worry not because they also have Iced Chocolate and also Milk with Ginger and Java/Aren sugar.

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - August | Kopi 24
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - August | Janji Jiwa

 Janji Jiwa changes their cups! The quote on the cup says:

“A story about (the) soul 

keeping promises of a cup of coffee”


I am very much a very logical person. So this doesn’t make sense to me lol.


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - September | Kopi Soe

Kopi Soe collaborates with Patricia Stephanie for a new design on the cup. The saying on the cup, I believe  translates to:

“A feeling that was once gone”

(Of course Google Translate would ruin it because they say the translation is : “Taste that never goes away” lol)

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - September | Kopi Soe

Another month, another Toko Kopi 24 Nusantara coffee to try.

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - September | Kopi 24
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - September | McDonald's McCafe

McDonald’s breakfast often comes in a bundle with black coffee or tea that is free to be refilled!


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - October | Gormeteria

One of our favorite breakfast place in Bandung: Gormeteria. And they offer free one cup of coffee or cappucino or tea to accompany our breakfast!

Funny story, they used to allow us to free refill the coffee and tea (not cappucino) if it’s before 10 AM. Rumour has it that the people who works around the area used to come there before 10, order the cheapest things possible, like mineral water, just to get the free-refilled coffee. So nowadays they still allow us to refill tea freely (if we choose tea). But not the coffee.
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - October
 The cup is from Starbucks. Hubby loves this kind of cups with straws because it makes it easier for him to drink when he drives.
The content however, is self-made Iced Black Coffee.
J.Coffee from J.Co always gave us a glazed-donuts for every beverage we buy.
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - October | J.Co
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - October | Kulo
Another Kulo cup!


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - November | Kopi 24

Another Kopi 24. I think this one time I wanted just a plain black coffee. So this one was Ice Long Black Coffee.

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - November | J.Co

Jcoccino for November! Almost forgot to take a picture. Notice that the coffee is almost gone lol.

This was taken in Jakarta. Our friend had just visited Australia and husband asked for her help to buy Arnott’s shape in pizza flavor. So we went to Jakarta to get it. And she was also very kind to accompany us trying out the new MRT!

heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - November | J.Co
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - November | Starbucks
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - November | Starbucks

Starbucks sure was ready for Christmas with their special cups and seasonal drink! 

I swear Bandung has some of the best Starbucks store with the best view. The one below is from their store in Asia Afrika, which is located in the corner!
So we can watch the busy street and the old historical buildings around it!
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - November | Starbucks


heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - December

Ending 2019 with coffee latte we made ourselves in my mother’s kitchen after we just bought our own pour-over coffee-dripper from Ikea!

I guess if I decided to keep track of our coffee again for the next new year, we’ll see more of our self-made coffee.

I did meet with some of my closest friends at a Starbucks Reserve in Bogor, but we haven’t met in such a long time that I forgot to take a picture of our coffee, which is, of course, a Vanilla Latte lol. I do regret being so forgetful, but meeting them was a blast!

Honorable Mention

Honorable mention because we went to The Djournal in PVJ a lot!

And we always ordered their Earl Grey Macchiato, which I think doesn’t have any coffee in it.
It tastes amazing, we love it so much. The creaminess of Macchiato apparently blend so well with the aromatic Earl Grey tea. 
heytheregrace.com | 2019 in Cups of Coffee - Honorable Mention | The Djournal's Earl Grey Macchiato

Sure I miss capturing some cups of coffee that we had. But this list is pretty much it. It has been sooo fun to collect the photos. I had a specific folder named ‘Coffee 2019’, to which I diligently added the photo right after I took the pic just so I would not forget. And. besides, I know that if I didn’t sort them immediately, I would be way too lazy to sort it lol.

As fun as it was to collect the photos, it sure is a lot more fun to write down this post! Reminiscing the moments where the photo took place was a lot of fun as well, and make me miss having trips OMG. The best cups of coffee is the cups we had when we were on a trip! We do wish to have some road trips again in 2020, yeahh.

Alright. So that, was my 2019, measured in my cups of coffee.

How was yours?